
Bottled Water
- Strongest in disinfection
- Removes odours, colours and toxins
- Oxidizes metals and organic matter
- Ozone increases shelf life
- Improves taste of the water

Swimming Pool
- 100% chemical free pool
- No eye or skin irritation
- No hair loss
- Crystal clear water
- Feels like spring water every time

Sewage Water Treatment
- Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen Demand reduction
- TSS and Turbidity reduction
- Colour and Odour removal
- Reusable in gardening, irriagation etc

Effluent Water Treatment
- Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen Demand reduction
- Removes color and odour
- Removes organic & inorganic matters
- Enhances flocculation / coagulation

- Huge electricty savings
- Reduced cycle time
- Water savings
- Detergent savings
- Complete disinfection

- Increases Oxidation Reduction Potential level
- Sterilizes the water & soil surface
- Results in no chemicals or by products
- Increased production yield
- Sterilizes bacteria, virus & mould

- No need of chlorine or chemicals
- 100% reduction of E.coli
- Automatic operation
- No consumables required
- Very safe technology

Cooling Tower
- No storage of dangerous chemicals
- No additional disinfection
- Increase the pumping efficiency
- Higher efficiency of heat exchangers
- Effective in a wide pH range

- Reduced water usage
- Faster Growth Rates
- Reduction of Waterborne Diseases
- Higher Standard of Environmental Control
- Supplements other Treatment Processes

Air Treatment
- Oxidizes smoke & odour instantly
- Sterilize bacteria, virus & mould
- Pleasant ambience
- Prevent health effects
- Reduced outside air demand

Kitchen Duct
- Continuous fat removal
- Continuous smell removal
- Reaches all areas of the duct
- Destroys bacteria
- Low maintenance & Easy to implement

Food Processing
- 100% removes bacteria, virus & fungus
- Chemical free
- Keep food fresh
- Maintains freshness of food items langer than usual shelf life

Cold Storage
- Increases shelf life of the food quality
- Controls Air & surface borne microbiological
- Surface sanitation can be maintained
- Maintain an Odour free cold storage area
- Eliminate mould and bacteria growth